Hospitality Board

Hospitality Board
March 17, 2022 Nobody Studios
hospitality board

When was the last time you had a truly innovative hospitality experience? I mean a moment that made you go, “WOW, I’ve never experienced that before!”

Spending well over two decades in the hospitality industry has been an incredible career journey for me. It was an honor serving as the CEO of the Mohegan Sun enterprise, having the opportunity to develop and operate first-class resorts all over the world. Making partners and life-long friends, serving our guests, and creating memorable experiences brought much delight. Those years in the corporate world, while very rewarding, also exposed to me the opportunity that is available for paradigm shifts in the sector.

While the industry has evolved and made significant advances in product and technologies, it also has been vulnerable to tremendous gaps in innovation, whether consumer-facing touchpoints or back-end support. Now is the time to change that—and I’ve never been more inspired as an entrepreneur to focus on the initiatives that will be transformational, disruptive, and have a high potential for exponential growth for hospitality experiences.


A Home For A Nobody

Needless to say, when I met with Mark and the Nobody Studios team, I knew immediately this was something special that I wanted to be a part of—not only as an investor but to be even more vested through my participation as a “Nobody” so I could help them create a “company of companies” unlike anything that has ever been done. This, I knew, is not your typical venture.

My initial attraction to Nobody Studios was the disruptive nature of the business model and the “big hairy audacious goal” (as well-renowned author Jim Collins would call it) of creating over 100 operating companies within 5 years. 

However, once I truly began to understand the values and culture of the organization, I was further drawn in, as I knew Nobody Studios was directly aligned with my own values. This is the exact reason I agreed to oversee the Hospitality Advisory Board at Nobody Studios.


How The Past Can Change Our Future

As a former leader of an international resort and entertainment company, I always strived to create and maintain a culture that fostered innovation, transparency, open communication, consensus building, and perhaps most importantly, the principle that people always come first.

These are the values by which Nobody Studios espouses, and our team of Nobodies live by: “to ideate radically,” “to operate in a people-first paradigm,” and “to leverage the power of the crowd.”

Those of us that work in the hospitality industry know that this space is ripe for innovation and in many instances, is screaming for it. Whether it is lodging, travel, entertainment, retail, special events, nightlife, or health & wellness, I witnessed day-in and day-out the need in the hospitality industry for new solutions and the adoption of new technology. The demographic of our hospitality consumers is changing quickly, with a shift to individualized preferences and more tailored content. At Nobody, among other great opportunities, we will be able to help implement solutions that accommodate that shift by personalizing experiences and allowing customers to use their own content, whether it is booking travel, staying in their hotel room, or paying for services rendered. 


Using The Hospitality Board to Breakthrough

I continue to hear from my colleagues that this need continues to persist. The Nobody Studios team, including our remarkable group on the Hospitality Board, will not only find “ahead of the curve” solutions for the hospitality industry, but through the brainpower harnessed from all the skillsets and throughout all sectors of the Nobody Studios community, we will also be creating successful companies in number and speed that simply has never been done before.

The Hospitality Board is comprised of true innovators throughout the industry specializing in B-to-B and B-to-C technology solutions from hotel operations, travel, entertainment, and various other areas. Our Board synchs up weekly and has already begun the ideation of new companies, with a goal of commercially testing two company ideas this year. 

The more we research and ideate, the more we realize that the opportunities are boundless and our potential is unlimited. We continue to explore the gaps and solutions in various spaces, including CleanTech, FinTech, Wellness, and much more—we will share what we learn so we all get smarter along the way. I look forward to sharing our progress throughout this journey!


  1. Kyle Kane 3 years ago

    well written and spot-on; thanks for

  2. Fan of Nobody 3 years ago

    Very interesting! I will be watching for all the great things to come!

  3. Danny Benaderet 3 years ago

    Love this. 25 years in hospitality on the sales side and now moved over to the agency side. Would love to somehow get involved in what you are doing.


  1. […] Our growing Nobody Network is focused on areas we want to play in. From hospitality to health and crypto to cleantech, we’ve got angels who are rolling up their sleeves to help build the portfolio we can be proud of. People we could only hope to hire have invested both time and money. (Read about our Hospitality Board here) […]

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