I have my list of proud accomplishments, I have my list of failures, that I used to not want to talk about. I truly have come to embrace my entire journey in recent years. My entire journey is filled w experiences and lessons that make me the unique man and executive that I am today. I have found that some of the more transformational moments in my life…Some of the most golden lessons and values were forged during times of failure.
I have found tremendous inspiration from the wildly successful who universally have overcome diversity and failure. Most people aren’t aware that the difference between failing and succeeding is oftentimes “quitting”.
Failure that inspires:
The Beatles were rejected by numerous record labels including Decca Records, which said, “guitar groups are on the way out” and “the Beatles have no future in show business.” The Beatles did wind up getting signed by a record label. The Beatles sold more singles in the UK than anyone else, and the Beatles have moved more units in the US (more than 177 million) than any other group.